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Umicore Silver Stripper 638

Umicore Silver Stripper 638

Cyanide-free electrolytic silver stripper

The Umicore Silver Stripper 638 is used for anodic removal (stripping) of silver layers.

It is mainly used for stripping back flash silver layers on electronic products, for selective spot coating in the mask process of continuous lines. However, the electrolyte is also well suited for removing thicker silver layers.

There is hardly any attack on the base material (copper or nickel). The electrolyte has a high absorption capacity and exposed copper shows no discoloration.

Thanks to improved lifetime, the number of new make-ups is reduced and additionally the stripper is convincing with low working temperature.

In addition to its long lifetime, the silver stripper is also characterized by a high silver absorption capacity.

One of the most outstanding features of the Umicore Silver Stripper 638 is the very low sludge formation, which reduces the risk of blockages in the inlet and outlet pipes of reel-to-reel coating systems. This ensures smooth and uninterrupted operation.

In addition, the process can be topped up if necessary, which not only reduces costs but also increases efficiency.

Electrolyte characteristics

Electrolyte type

cyanide-free, anodic

pH value

approx. 10.5

Operating temperature

RT 20 - 30 °C

Current density range

1 - 3 A/dm² (anodic)

Stripping speed

approx. 1.2 μm/min at 2 A/dm², approx. 1.8 μm/min at 3 A/dm²


  • Cyanide-free
  • Improved lifetime
  • Minimal attack on the base material
  • Low working temperature
  • High absorption capacity
  • Long lifetime
  • Low sludge formation


  • Anodic stripping of silver layers


  • Produktblatt_Umicore_Silber-Stripper_638_EN.pdf

Your contact person

Markus Legeler

Markus Legeler

Manager Sales International
T: +49 7171 607 204
F: +49 7171 607 316

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