PLATINODE® Cr3 for Decorative Chrome(III) Process
PLATINODE® Cr3 for Decorative Chrome(III) Process
Insoluble MMO Anodes essential for Chrome(III)Process
Chrome-plated elements are mostly used in the automobile industry but also for various other decorative applications. Previously, chrome(VI) processes were primarily used. Due to today’s environmental and safety concerns as well as changes to the law, chrome(III) processes have already been in use for a few years. And they are under constant development.
In order to retain the long-term function of the electrolyte and therefore the quality of the coating as the chrome separates from the trivalent solution, the use of insoluble MMO anodes with special layer setup is essential.
Our PLATINODE® Cr3 anode system offers a solution that can use this coating layering to significantly reduce oxidization from Cr3+ to Cr6+. Even when used continuously, chrome(VI) concentrations do not rise to disruptive levels.
Our anodes have been tested and approved by renowned electrolyte producers and endcustomers. Thanks to optimized production methods, it is possible to offer short delivery times.
Further information in our detailed product flyer: PLATINODE® Cr3
- No disruptive Cr6 formation on anodes
- Tested and specified by renowned electrolyte producers
- Shortest delivery times possible
- Cutting edges and power supply also coated
- Advice, planning and further service on site
- Cost reductions thanks to longer electrolyte lifetime
- Chrome(III) process e.g. for decorative automotive parts or furnishings (chrome handles, hooks, mounting bracket etc.)