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Gobright® TLA-77 Gold Electrolyte

Gobright® TLA-77 Gold Electrolyte

Immersion gold electrolyte for ENIG

Gobright® TLA-77 is a special neutral immersion gold electrolyte. It is suitable for ENIG plating on PCB and ceramic substrates. The gold concentration in the electrolyte is just 0.4 g/l. This means a dramatically cost saving potential by reducing dragout gold volume. This process also has excellent solder joint characteristics due to its lower corrosion attack on electroless nickel.

The electrolyte needs one concentrate for make up and an additional component for replenishment.

Electrolyte characteristics

Electrolyte type

Displacement type

Metal content

0.4 (0.2 - 0.6) g/l Au

pH value

7.2 (7.0 - 7.4)

Operating temperature

80 (75 - 85) °C

Plating speed

0.065 μm/10 min at 80°C

Coating characteristics


Fine gold


99,9 wt.% Au

Colour of deposit

Lemon yellow


  • Easy maintainance due to displacement process
  • Very low gold content
  • Lemon-yellow appearance
  • Minimized corrosion attack on electroless nickel


ENIG plating on PCB and ceramic subtrates used for

  • Consumer electronics
  • Automotive industry
  • Industrial electronics
  • Telecommunications


  • Produktblatt-umicore-gobright-tla-77-en-screen-20190416.pdf

Your contact person

Markus Legeler

Markus Legeler

Manager Sales International
T: +49 7171 607 204
F: +49 7171 607 316

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