New windturbines in Olen to reduce CO₂ emissions

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Four new wind turbines with an electricity generation capacity of 3,5 MW were inaugurated at the Umicore and Aurubis sites in Olen in the presence of Flemish Minister of Energy Bart Tommelein. With a tip height of 200 meters these are the highest wind turbines on an industrial site in Belgium and they will avoid an annual CO2 emission of 13,224 tonnes. Umicore’s Betozand® is used in the foundation and is made out of residues of the blast furnace of Umicore Hoboken. And Umicore’s worldwide R&D centre based in Olen developed the zinc metal powders used in the anticorrosion paint. This project of Wind4Flanders, Umicore and Aurubis marks another milestone in our story of sustainability.




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