The Supervisory Board is responsible for Umicore’s general policy and strategy. It appoints and dismisses the members of the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) and supervises its performance. It is also vested with specific powers, such as establishing the annual accounts, drafting the annual report and declaring an interim dividend. The Supervisory Board is assisted in its role by four committees.

The Supervisory Board approves the strategic plans and budgets submitted by the Executive Leadership Team, determines the risk appetite of Umicore in order to achieve its strategic objectives, and also ensures Umicore operates in accordance with good governance/ESG principles.

Board members

Thomas Leysen


Frédéric Oudéa


Birgit Behrendt

Independent member

Françoise Chombar

Independent member

Koenraad Debackere

Deputy Chair - Independent member

Mark Garrett

Independent member

Marc Grynberg


Alison Henwood

Independent member

Laurent Raets


Philip Eykerman

Independent member

Karel Vinck

Honorary Chair